Tuesday, October 10, 2006


The really nice thing about going to a mass that is the seat of the archdiocese is that the priests who give the homilies are absolutely top-notch. I've been attending the Cathedral for about three months now, and every homily speaks deeply to me. Part of this is the skill of the priest, but it's also the responsibility of the Holy Spirit.

Before each mass begins, I pray that I might hear and understand the word of God, that God would speak to me through the service in God's own way. (This is not to say that I'm looking for doves alighting on me, or choirs of angels. I think God is much more subtle than that.) It is only through the Holy Spirit that we can hope to reach a kind of Christian enlightenment.

I wish I had access to Sunday's homily, because it was just that good. The visiting priest, a Franciscan friar, discussed divorce, and what our (the Catholic Church's) response should be. It was handled with remarkable sensitivity and acknowledgement that divorce is never an easy decision, and it's incredibly painful for most, if not all, involved. That homily should be up on the Cathedral's website relatively soon.

"Be joyful, even though you know all the facts." (Wendell Barry)


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