Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Spiritual journey

We're three weeks into the RCIA process, and beginning the Rite of Acceptance. To do this, we had to provide information about our baptism.

My baptism didn't occur until I was nearly 16 years old. Having been raised in a very secular way, the realization that there was "something bigger" available to me was a pretty big deal. (I suppose this means that my adolescent rebellion was in becoming a Christian and taking part in organized religion.) I did nearly everything--Episcopalian, Catholic, Lutheran, Unitarian... Somehow, I decided on United Methodist.

I think a lot of it had to do with liking the church that I ended up joining, and less to do with actually wanting to be a United Methodist. In fact, it wasn't until I was a confirmation sponsor last year that I learned what United Methodists believe, and I was quite disappointed when I had the information. (If I'd had it before, I don't think I would have chosen the UMC.) Some of it is the nebulous, "hey, you know, whatever!" attitude. Some is how ministers are assigned to churches. A lot of it is the structure of the church, and maybe knowing too much about it. (It's like seeing sausage made. Not a good thing.)

Every time I attend Mass and RCIA, I feel more assured that I'm doing the right thing.

Next time: Why St. Mary Magdelen?


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